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Amazon book of Yamuna Hasan

The Art of Miracles

Unlock Your Psychic Gifts To Transform Your Life
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Yamuna Hasan
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Yamuna Hasan

Spiritual Healer & Author


"A book that combines years of experience, research, and Divine guidance"

Self Discovery

Discover how to connect and elevate your consciousness to new heights.

Unfold Blessings

Hidden within are miracles beyond your wildest imagination, waiting to unfold

Awaken a new life

Step into a life filled with wonder and purpose.

Written by Yamuna and Ayesha, Spiritual Healers and Global Entrepreneurs, this book combines years of experience, research, and Divine guidance. Follow the wisdom within to unlock your own psychic gifts and live the miracle-filled life you’ve always dreamed of!

About the Author

Yamuna Hasan is an author and spiritual healer based in Beverly Hills, California. She gained global recognition for her book The Art of Miracles: Unlock Your Psychic Gifts to Transform Your Life, which has inspired readers worldwide with its powerful message of spiritual growth and personal transformation. Known for her deep connection to spirituality, Yamuna helps individuals discover their inner strength and guides them through their healing journeys.

Yamuna Hasan

Yamuna Hasan

What readers are saying

You want Fame & Miracles it’s a must read!

Sheeraz Hasan

A Must-Read for Unlocking Your True Potential!

Qumaru Nisa

Practical, Powerful, and Life-Changing!

Layla Al-Farsi

Your Miracles are Ready to Manifest

It’s time to answer the call and step into the extraordinary life you were meant to live.

Yamuna Hasan Book Cover
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